comewish 發表於 12-10-19 12:08


本帖最後由 comewish 於 12-10-19 12:09 編輯

[*]ACCESS - New York Mercantile Exchange - ACCESS
[*]ADEX - Athens Derivative Exchange
[*]AEX - Amsterdam Exchanges
[*]ASX - Australian Stock Exchange
[*]BDP - Bolsa de Derivados do Portugal
[*]BMF - Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros (Sao Paulo)
[*]BUD - Budapest Stock Exchange
[*]CASH - General purpose exchange identifier used for misc cash items
[*]CBT - Chicago Board of Trade
[*]CCFE - Chicago Climate Futures Exchange
[*]CCX - Chubu Commodity Exchange
[*]CFE - CBOE Futures Exchange
[*]CFES - CBOE Futures Exchange Stocks
[*]CLEAR - New York Mercantile Exchange - ClearPort
[*]CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange
[*]COMEX - Commodity Exchange Inc. (Division of NYMEX)
[*]COT - Commitments of Traders
[*]CSCE - Coffee Sugar and Cocoa Exchange (Division of NYBOT)
[*]DC - Dalian Commodity Exchange
[*]DGCX - Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange
[*]DME - Dubai Mercantile Exchange
[*]DTB - Eurex Deutschland
[*]ECON - Economic Statistics
[*]EEX - European Energy Exchange
[*]ELX - ELX Electronic Futures Exchange
[*]EOE - European Options Exchange (Amsterdam)
[*]EUREX - Germany's Option's and Futures Exchange
[*]FINEX - Financial Instrument Exchange (Division of NYBOT)
[*]FUTOP - Copenhagen Stock Exchange
[*]GLBX - Chicago Mercantile Exchange - Globex
[*]HEX - Helsinki Exchanges
[*]HKEX - Hong Kong Exchange
[*]ICE - Intercontinental Exchange
[*]IndIndex - CSI Industry Indices
[*]KCBT - Kansas City Board of Trade
[*]KCX - Fukuoka Futures Exchange
[*]KEX - Kansai Commodity Exchange
[*]KOFEX - Korean Options and Futures Exchange
[*]KSE - Korean Stock Exchange
[*]LIFFESSF - Euronext.Liffe Universal Stock Futures
[*]LME - London Metals Exchange
[*]MDEX - Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad
[*]ME - Montreal Exchange
[*]MEFF - Mercado Espanol de Futuros Financieros
[*]MGE - Minneapolis Grain Exchange
[*]MIF - Milan Domestic Futures Exchange
[*]MXN - Mexico Derivatives Exchange
[*]NCDEX - National Commodity & Derivative Exchange Ltd
[*]NQLX - NQLX Stock Based Futures
[*]NSI - National Stock Exchange Of India
[*]NYCE - New York Cotton Exchange (Division of NYBOT)
[*]NYFE - New York Futures Exchange (Division of NYBOT)
[*]NYMEX - New York Mercantile Exchange
[*]OME - Osaka Mercantile Exchange
[*]OMX - OMX Group
[*]ONE - One Chicago
[*]OSE - Osaka Securities Exchange
[*]OSLO - Oslo Stock Exchange
[*]OTOB - Austrian Futures & Options Exchange
[*]PBOT - Philadelphia Board of Trade
[*]PROJA - CBT Electronic
[*]RMX - Risk Management Exchange
[*]RTS - Russian Trading System
[*]SAFEX - South African Futures Exchange
[*]SFE - Sydney Futures Exchange
[*]SGX - Singapore Exchange
[*]SHFE - Shanghai Futures Exchange
[*]SIA - Italian Stock Exchange/Milan Domestic Futures Exchange
[*]SICOM - Singapore Commodity Exchange
[*]TAIFEX - Taiwan Futures Exchange
[*]TCE - Tokyo Commodity Exchange (formerly TOCOM)
[*]TDE - Turkish Derivatives and Options Exchange
[*]TFE - Toronto Futures Exchange
[*]TFEX - Thailand Futures Exchange
[*]TFX - Tokyo Financial Exchange Inc.
[*]TGE - Tokyo Grain Commodity Exchange
[*]TSE - Tokyo Stock Exchange
[*]TSX - Toronto Stock Exchange
[*]USGOV - United States Government
[*]WCE - Winnipeg Commodity Exchange
[*]WSE - Warsaw Stock Exchange
[*]YCE - Yokohama Commodity Exchange
[*]ZCE - Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

補充內容 (12-10-19 20:03):

manhavecoco 發表於 12-10-19 12:08


Milton 發表於 12-10-19 12:34


太極陰陽 發表於 12-10-19 12:50


tosca33 發表於 12-10-19 12:53


閒人英郎 發表於 12-10-19 13:00

大陆:中国金融期货交易所(China Financial Futures Exchange,缩写CFFE)

ajyh 發表於 12-10-19 18:43


薛豹 發表於 12-10-19 21:37


virgil 發表於 12-10-19 22:19

哇 超多的.. 交易海外期貨的選擇真多啊

alongso2008 發表於 13-1-31 04:32


garry168 發表於 13-1-31 06:04


minchitw 發表於 13-1-31 09:14


sai 發表於 13-2-5 10:52

感恩    感恩   感恩   感恩

GOGA 發表於 13-2-5 12:22

Milton 發表於 12-10-19 12:34 static/image/common/back.gif


d31400517 發表於 13-4-6 17:34

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